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We found 1, Banca popolare di fondi branches in Itri
The CAB Code of Banca Popolare Di Fondi , Via Civita Farnese, 29, Itri Branch is 74000
BANK KEY (ABI + CAB) Code | 0529674000 (The Bank-Key means ABI & CAB code together used to clear funds and/or route domestic payments in Italy.) |
CAB CODE/CODICI CAB | 74000 (The first five digits of the Bank-Key is bank code or ABI code.) |
ABI CODE/CODICI ABI | 05296 (The last five digits of the Bank-Key is branch code or CAB code.) |
SWIFT / BIC CODE | Find the Banca Popolare Di Fondi, Via Civita Farnese, 29 SWIFT / BIC Code Here |
SEND MONEY | Send / transfer money through TransferWise with very low transfer cost. Send Money |
RECEIVE MONEY | Safest delivery with no hidden fees through TransferWise . Receive Money |
Find Banca Popolare Di Fondi , Via Civita Farnese, 29, Itri Branch Location on Google Map :-
About Banca Popolare Di Fondi, Itri, Via Civita Farnese, 29 Branch
General Information -
0529674000 - Bank-Key is belongs to the Banca Popolare Di Fondi & it's located in Latina Province, Lazio Region in Italy.
Branch Address is: Via Civita Farnese, 29.
Banca Popolare Di Fondi , Via Civita Farnese, 29 Branch ABI Code is :
05296 & CAB Code is : 74000
Breakdown of Banca Popolare Di Fondi, Itri Branch Bank-Key (ABI+CAB) Code
0 | 5 | 2 | 9 | 6 | -7 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
ABI Code (Bank Code) | CAB Code (Branch Code) |
The first five digits (05296) is ABI code or bank code & representing the Banca Popolare Di Fondi.
Last five digits is (74000) - It's CAB code & representing Via Civita Farnese, 29 Branch of Banca Popolare Di Fondi.
The CAB Code of Banca Popolare Di Fondi, Itri Branch is: 74000
The ABI Code of Banca Popolare Di Fondi, Itri Branch is: 05296
The Bank-Key of Banca Popolare Di Fondi is: 0529674000
The 74000 - CAB Code belongs to Banca Popolare Di Fondi, Via Civita Farnese, 29, Itri branch.
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Information about Italy Banks
Bank Operational Time -
Bank Working Hours: Monday - Friday (8.30 A.M - 13.30 P.M & afternoon from 3:00 P.M to 4:00 P.M) (Generic Timings*)
(Expect saturday, sunday & public holidays)
(* Do note that these bank timings vary from branch to branch.)
Lunch Timeing - Usally 1.30P.M - 3P.M (May vary from branch to branch).
However bank Employees took their lunch in batches so that the business is not affected & you can visit the bank at any time during lunch time.
Transational Timing -
The crediting time of the bank vary from one lender to another, usually from two days (in most cases) a week. The times are shortened in the event that the beneficiary of the transfer is a customer of the same bank from which the credit starts, in particular in the case of online transfer; in this situation, in fact, you can often see the amount transferred as early as the next day (if the branch is also the same) or after two days (same bank or other branch).
Starting in 2012, the credit transfer time has shortened from three working days to one working day after the execution date. Attention because the so-called cut-off time must be taken into account , i.e. the time after which the transfer request is no longer considered received on that day, but on the next. The cut-off time also changes depending on the bank, and you must always keep in mind that we are talking about working days: a bank transfer requested on Friday after the cut-off time (for example 15:00) will not be credited before the following Tuesday.
Real Time Fund Transfer :
Since 2018, many Italian banks have offered an additional service, namely the real-time transfer , which takes only a handful of seconds to be credited and can be requested at any time, 24 hours a day, from Monday to Sunday, thus effectively allowing to say goodbye to "banking times".
This is the Sepa Instant Credit Transfert system , which requires a maximum time of 10 seconds for credit transfers of up to 15 thousand euros . The bank requires a surcharge for those who choose the instant transfer instead of the normal one, usually of a few cents.
Transfer with account cards :
A further solution is that of immediate and free money transfer using account cards, such as Hype and N26 , or systems such as Satispay . Using these platforms, in fact, it is possible to send money from your account practically in real time and directly from the smartphone app.
The recipient, however, must in turn be registered to the circuit in order to benefit from the service, otherwise he will receive a notification with the link to register so that he can be credited with the money, with all that this entails; Fortunately, today the procedures for opening a new account according to these smart methods are increasingly streamlined and rapid.
General Information About Italy Bank ABI & CAB Code
What is Italy ABI & CAB Code/Codici?
ABI Code (Bank Code) :
ABI stands for Associazione Bancaria Italiana (Italian Banking Association). The ABI code (codici ABI ) also known as bank code is a unique five digits numerical code, which represents a specific financial institution in Italy. This code assigned by Italian Banking Association. The first digit of the ABI code is always a zero.
CAB Code (Branch Code) :
CAB stands for Codice di Avviamento Bancario. The CAB code (codici CAB) is also a five digits numeric code that identifies the specific credit agency/financial institution particular branch. This CAB code helps to find where or which specific bank branch your account is held.The CAB and ABI codes are usually also present in the contract that is stipulated when the current account is opened.
What is ABI & CAB code used for?
The Italian ABI/CAB, used to clear funds and/or route payments in Italy, and San Marino.