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General Information About Brazil Bank Number / Numero do Banco / Código de Compensação do Banco & ISPB Code
What is Brazil Bank Number or Código COMPE?
The Brazil Código COMPE (Code for the System of Monetary Transactions and Clearing of Other Papers) or bank number is a three digits numeric unique code that helps to identify a particular bank or financial institution.
This Numero do Banco or Código COMPE helps to identify which bank holds a specific account.
What is Brazil ISPB Code?
The ISPB Code (Identificador do Sistema de Pagamento Brasileiro / Brazilian Payment System Identifier) used to identify banks through the reserve transfer system of the Central Bank of Brazil.
ISPB is an eight digits numeric code & this code used in the same way as the shorter bank code, to guide payments to the right recipient account such as clearing of Brazilian bank cheques, TED (Available Electronic Transfer) and DOC ( Credit Order Document) payments.
Where to find Brazil Bank Number?
By logging into your online banking you can see your bank number and also you can check this number on your bank statement.
What is PIX in Brazil?
PIX is the Brazil’s Instant Payments platform. It is a platform from the Central Bank of the Brazil. PIX allows electronic fund transfers in which compensation occurs immediately within few second & it's available 24/7, all year.
Fund transfers can be possible directly from the paying user’s bank account to the receiving user’s bank account, without the need for intermediaries, which provides lower transaction costs. Also it's easy to use, secure & superfast solution.
Payment Scenario
PIX | Débito | Cheque | TED | DOC | Boleto |
Instant | Within 90 minutes | Within 90 minutes | Within 90 minutes | Within 2 days | Within 2 days |