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General Information About UAE Routing Number
What is UAE Routing Number?
A UAE (United Arab Emirates) Routing Number is a unique nine digits numerical code assigned to every individual bank branch in United Arab Emirates which helps to identify a particular bank branch in UAE. This code used to clear funds and/or route payments in correct bank account for domastic payments or fund transfer purposes.
What is UAE Routing Number used for?
UAE Routing Number is used for local fund transfers purposes, such as electronic fund transfer purposes between various bank accounts in United Arab Emirates.
Structure of the UAE Routing Number
The first digit is cheque digit, next digit is a zero & it's reserved for future use, next two digits is bank code, next digit represents the Emirate, next 2 digits represent the region in the emirate & finally and the last 2 identify the Branch Code.
Example : Breakdown of UAE Routing Number
A | B | C | C | D | E | E | F | F |
Cheque Digit | Future Use | Bank Code | Emirate | Region in the Emirate | Branch Code |