What is Italy Bank ABI & CAB Code?

The Italian ABI & CAB Code is an unique identifier number of a specific financial institution & branch which use to send & receive funds between local/domestic bank account.

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Format of Banca Cesare Ponti ABI/CAB Code

Banca Cesare Ponti or any banks in Italy ABI Code is a five digit number used to identify the individual bank & a CAB Code is also a five digit unique identifier number which helps to find the specific bank branch of an Italian financial institution.

The Structure is -











Bank Code / Codice ABI

Branch Code / Codice CAB

  • 03084 - First five digits is the bank code or ABI Code. Any Banca Cesare Ponti ABI Code will be 10900.

  • XXXXX - Last five digits is branch code or CAB Code.
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    General Information About Italy Bank ABI & CAB Code

    What is Italy ABI & CAB Code/Codici?

    ABI Code (Bank Code) :

    ABI stands for Associazione Bancaria Italiana (Italian Banking Association). The ABI code (codici ABI ) also known as bank code is a unique five digits numerical code, which represents a specific financial institution in Italy. This code assigned by Italian Banking Association. The first digit of the ABI code is always a zero.

    CAB Code (Branch Code) :

    CAB stands for Codice di Avviamento Bancario. The CAB code (codici CAB) is also a five digits numeric code that identifies the specific credit agency/financial institution particular branch. This CAB code helps to find where or which specific bank branch your account is held.

    The CAB and ABI codes are usually also present in the contract that is stipulated when the current account is opened.

    What is ABI & CAB code used for?

    The Italian ABI/CAB, used to clear funds and/or route payments in Italy, and San Marino.