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General Information About Mexico CLABE Number, ABM Code/Bank Code & Branch Code
What is Mexico CLABE Number?
CLABE stand for Clave Bancaria Estandarizada. A CLABE Code is a standard bank account number in Mexico. Each & Every bank account in Mexico has a unique CLABE. This unique number used to send & receive payments in correct bank account.
Structure of the Mexico CLABE Number
CLABE numbers consists of 18 digits & it's divided into 4 sections.
- 1. The first three digits identify the bank or a financial institution in Mexico.
- 2. After first three digits next three digits represent the location of the particular bank.
- 3. Next 11 digits identify each of its customers unique account.
- 4. Last digit helps to checks the validity of the previous 17 digits of the CLABE code.
Example : Breakdown of Mexico CLABE Number
A | A | A | B | B | B | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | D |
Bank Code | Location Code | Unique Account Number | Check the Validity |
What is ABM Code / Bank Code in Mexico?
ABM stands for Asociación de Bancos de México (Banking Association of Mexico). This organazation assigned a three digits unique code to every particular bank to identify the correct bank or financial institution when sending & receiving payments between bank accounts. This three digits code is the first three digits of the CLABE number. The ABM code is also known as Bank code in Mexico.