What is STD Code?

Subscriber Trunk Dialing Code usually known as STD Code is allotted to each city or village/town in India. STD Codes are of multiple types based on the size of the city. STD codes can be between 2 and 8 digits long.

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STD Code Details of Nasik City, Nashik, Maharashtra
STATE NAMEMaharashtra

(Used to dial trunk calls without the assistance of the operator.)

LDCA Nasik

(Long-Distance Charging Area)

SDCA Nasikcity

(Short-Distance Charging Area)

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About Nasik City, Nashik, Maharashtra STD Code

General Information -

The Nasik City City / Town / Taluk is located in Nashik District, Maharashtra in India.
The STD Code of Nasik City , Nashik, Maharashtra is : 253
Service area is - MH .
The Long-Distance Charging Area (LDCA) is - Nasik.
The Short-Distance Charging Area (SDCA) is - Nasikcity.

How to Use -

If you are calling from Inside of India then used ( Domestic calling) :
=>> 0 + 253 + ( 6 to 8 digits telephone number )
If you are calling from Outside of India then used ( International calling) :
=>> Local Exit code + 91 + 253 + ( 6 to 8 digits telephone number )


The STD Code of Nasik City, Nashik, Maharashtra is : 253

The Nasik City City / Town / Taluk located in Nashik district, Maharashtra in India.

The Service Area of 253 - STD Code is - MH.

The Long-Distance Charging Area (LDCA) of 253 - STD Code is - Nasik.

The Short-Distance Charging Area (SDCA) of 253 - STD Code is - Nasikcity

General Information About STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialling) Code

What is STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialling) Code?

Subscriber Trunk Dialing Code usually known as STD Code is allotted to each city or village/town in India. STD Codes are of multiple types based on the size of the city. STD codes can be between 2 and 8 digits long. Big cities & largest metropolitan areas such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata, etc. have 2 digits STD Codes in the other hand, Tier2 cities such as Patiala, Nashik, Surat, Durgapur, Kochi, Kolhapur, Jalandhar & other small cities have STD Codes of 3 digits.

How to Use STD Code?

The subscriber’s phone number can be 6, 7 or 8-digit long depending upon the length of the STD code. STD codes are either 4, 3 or 2 digits.

  • When the STD code is 2-digit, the phone of the subscriber’s number will be 8-digit (2 Digits STD Code + 8 Digits subscriber’s phone number)

  • When the STD code is 3-digit, the phone of the subscriber’s number will be 7-digit (3 Digits STD Code + 7 Digits subscriber’s phone number)

  • When the STD code is 4-digit, the phone of the subscriber’s number will be 6-digit (4 Digits STD Code + 6 Digits subscriber’s phone number)

STD Code List of Tier-1 Cities

A Telephone Access Code (STD) is assigned to each city, town and village in India. The larger Metro cities have shorter area codes (STD codes), the shortest being 2 digits. Below we have given the complete list of STD code list of tier-1 cities in India.

STD CodeCity NameState Name
11 New Delhi Delhi
22 Mumbai Maharastra
33 Kolkata West Bengal
44 Chennai Tamil Nadu
40 Hyderabad Telengana
80 Bangalore Karnataka
20 Pune Maharashtra
79 Ahmedabad Gujarat

STD Code List of Tier-2 Cities

In India tier-2 cities have a 3-digit STD code. Below we have listed the STD codes of tier-2 cities in India.

STD CodeCity NameState Name
135 Dehradun Uttarakhand
161 Ludhina Punjab
175 Patiala Punjab
141 Jaipur Rajasthan
291 Jodhpur Rajasthan
294 Udaipur Rajasthan
251 Kalyan Maharashtra
260 Vapi Gujarat
261 Surat Gujarat
265 Vadodara Gujarat
326 Jharkhand Jharkhand
361 Guwahati Assam
364 Shillong Meghalaya
413 Puducherry Puducherry
421 Tiruppur Tamil Nadu
422 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu
424 Erode Tamil Nadu
427 Salem Tamil Nadu
431 Tiruchirapalli Tamil Nadu
452 Madurai Tamil Nadu
471 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala
474 Kollam Kerala
484 Kochi Kerala
487 Thrissur Kerala
495 Kozhikode Kerala
497 Kannur Kerala
522 Kanpur Uttar Pradesh
522 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
532 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh
542 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh
551 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh
612 Patna Bihar
641 Bhagalpur Bihar
657 Jamshedpur Jharkhand
674 Bhubaneshwar Odisha
712 Nagpur Maharashtra
731 Indore Madhya Pradesh
734 Ujjain Madhya Pradesh
744 Kota Rajasthan
755 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh
816 Tumkur Karnataka
821 Mysore Karnataka
824 Bangalore Karnataka
831 Belgaum Karnataka
836 Hubli Karnataka
861 Nellore Andhra Pradesh
863 Guntur Andhra Pradesh
866 Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh
877 Tirupati Andhra Pradesh
883 Rajahmundry Andhra Pradesh
884 Kakinada Andhra Pradesh
870 Warangal Telengana
891 Visakhapatanam Andhra Pradesh