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About Romania
Romania is part of the continent of Europe. The Capital of Romania is: Bucharest. Capital timezone is: Europe/Bucharest. Currency is: Leu.
Language Codes of Romania : ro,hu,rom
Languages speak in Romania : Romanian (official) 85.4%, Hungarian 6.3%, Romany (Gypsy) 1.2%, other 1%, unspecified 6.1% (2011 est.)
ISO Alpha-2 Code of Romania is : RO
ISO Alpha-3 Code of Romania is : ROU
ISO 3166-1 numeric (or numeric-3) Code of Romania is : 642
ISD Code of Romania is : +40
FIPS (Federal Information Processing System) Code is : RO
E.164 (The international telephone numbering plan) : 40
The top label domain of the Romania is : .ro
Internet host in Romania is : 2667000
Internet users in Romania is : 7787000
Mobile phones in Romania is : 22700000
Landline phone in Romania is : 4680000
Area of Romania is : 237500 KM2
GEO Name ID Romania is : 798549
GDP of Romania is : $188900000000
Currency Converter
Rate Date : 27/01/25
General Information About SWIFT / BIC Code
What is SWIFT/BIC Code?
SWIFT codes means Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication Code. The Swift/BIC code is used to identify a particular branch of a bank or financial institution & it'll help you to transfer money internationaly and executor for cross-border payments.
The length of the Swift Code is either eight or eleven digits & combination of couple of letters & numbers. The first four charecter of the swift code is bank code, next two digits is country code, next two digits is location code & last three digits is optional & it's help to identify the specific bank branch.
Financial institutions worldwide have the option to become part of SWIFT’s network. They provide messaging systems and use the latest technology to ensure safe and expedient international commerce.
What is Swift code used for?
These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers. Banks also use these codes for exchanging messages between them.
Example: Breakdown of SWIFT/BIC Code
A | B | C | D | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Bank Code | Country ISO Code | Location Code | Branch Code |