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AHK    2 Branches
AHMADNAGAR    8 Branches
AHMEDNAGAR    60 Branches
AI    1 Branches
AKOLA    38 Branches
AMRAVATI    57 Branches
AURANGABAD    106 Branches
BEED    47 Branches
BHANDARA    19 Branches
BID    3 Branches
BOMBAY    1 Branches
BULDANA    5 Branches
BULDHANA    45 Branches
CHANDRAPUR    34 Branches
DHULE    28 Branches
DHULIA    1 Branches
GADCHIROLI    13 Branches
GONDIA    12 Branches
GREAT BOMBAY    1 Branches
GREATED BOMBAY    2 Branches
GREATER BOMBAY    331 Branches
GREATER MUMBAI    1 Branches
HINGOLI    20 Branches
JALGAON    61 Branches
JALNA    29 Branches
KOLHAPUR    47 Branches
LATUR    47 Branches
MUMBAI    80 Branches
NAGPUR    111 Branches
NANDED    66 Branches
NANDURBAR    13 Branches
NASHIK    56 Branches
NASIK    45 Branches
NAVI MUMBAI    4 Branches
NAVIMUMBAI    1 Branches
NEW MUMBAI    2 Branches
OSMANABAD    32 Branches
PANVEL    1 Branches
PARBHANI    34 Branches
PUNE    183 Branches
RAIGAD    84 Branches
RAIGARH    2 Branches
RARBOMBAY    2 Branches
RATNAGIRI    25 Branches
SANGALI    1 Branches
SANGLI    29 Branches
SATARA    38 Branches
SHOLAPUR    36 Branches
SINDHUDURG    8 Branches
SINDUDURG    18 Branches
SOLAPUR    16 Branches
THANE    162 Branches
WARDHA    30 Branches
WASHIM    15 Branches
YAVATMAL    47 Branches
YEOTMAL    1 Branches

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Rate Date : 26/12/24

We found 2161 Branches available for STATE BANK OF INDIA, MAHARASHTRA

General Information About Bank IFSC & MICR Code

What is an IFSC Code?

IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code. It's an eleven digits & characters combination unique identifying number. This unique code helps to identify the perticular individual bank branches for smooth online transation such as NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transations. This code is developed by RBI (Reserve Bank of India).

Structure of the IFSC Code

The first four letters of the IFSC Code is bank code, Next one digits is genarally (0) zero & it's reserved for future use & last six digits is an unique identifier no for the particular Financial institution or bank branch.

Example : Breakdown of IFSC Code












Bank Code

Future Use

Branch Code

What is IFSC code used for?

IFSC Code used for various electronic or online fund transfer such as NEFT, RTGS, IMPS & other online fund transferring etc.

What is MICR Code?

MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology & this code is developed by RBI (Reserve Bank of India). It's also a nine digits unique identifying number. This unique nine digits MICR code helps to identify the perticular individual bank branches and branch participating in an Electronic Clearing System (ECS).

The MICR code is located on the bottom of a each cheque leaf, next to the cheque number. You can also find it printed on the first page of a bank passbook.

Structure of the MICR Code

Example : Breakdown of MICR Code










City Code

Bank Code

Branch Code

What is MICR code used for?

MICR Code used for various financial transations such as SIP form or for transferring funds.

The given information is as per the guidelines of RBI (Reserve Bank of India)

ProcessProcess is based on Deferred Net Settlement (DNS) and the transfer of funds will be carried out in  half-hourly batches starting from 12:30 am to 12:00 amPayment process in which the money is credited in the beneficiary’s bank branch in real-time and on gross basisReal-time and instant interbank fund transfer process, IMPS is considered a secure & faster mode of fund transfer
Minimum Transfer LimitRe.1Rs.2 lakhRe.1
Maximum Transfer LimitNo limitNo limitRs.2 lakh
Operational TimingsAvailable 24x7, 365 days (including bank holidays)7 am to 6 pm on all working daysAvailable 24x7, 365 days (including bank holidays)
Inward Transaction ChargesNo chargesNo chargesDecided by individual member banks and PPIs

FAQ on IFSC & MICR code

Q. Do IFSC codes get changed?
A. Generally no but if the particular bank undergoes any merger or something then only the new IFSC code will be issued by RBI (Reserve Bank of India) & the old one will be deactivated.

Q. How to transfer money using the IFSC code?
A. Using IFSC code transferring funds from one bank to another bank or the same bank different accounts is really a hassle free solution. When you try to transfer funds using online banking such as NEFT, RTGS, IMPS & others method then you need the customer name, bank account no. & the IFSC code.

Q. Is sharing IFSC & MICR code safe?
A. Each Indivitual bank branch's IFSC code & MICR code is matchless and it's essential in India for transferring funds through the online banking. Every bank guarantees the security of the fund transfer & no one may misuse the IFSC code & MICR code for fraud, theft & spaming.

Q. Is IFSC code and branch code is same?
A. No. An IFSC code is an eleven digit alphanumeric unique code issued by RBI(Reserve Bank of India) to identify the each indivitual bank branch. Branch code is a part of of the IFSC code because it's identify a particual bank branch. The last 6 digit of the IFSC code is the branch code & this code is also printed on your first page of your bank passbook.