Or Validate IFSC Code  
The IFSC Code of Bank Of Maharashtra , Vilholi Branch is MAHB0001817
IFSC CODE | MAHB0001817 (Used for electronic fund transfer such as NEFT, RTGS, IMPS across India for domestic fund transfer purposes.) |
MICR CODE | 422014333 (Required to mention the MICR code while filing up various financial transaction forms such as investment forms or SIP form or for transferring funds.) |
BRANCH CODE | 001817 (Last six digits of IFSC code represent Branch code.) |
CONTACT NUMBER | 8149811681 |
SWIFT CODE | Find the Vilholi Branch of Bank Of Maharashtra SWIFT / BIC Code Here |
WEBSITE | https://www.bankofmaharashtra.in |
SEND MONEY | Send / transfer money through TransferWise with very low transfer cost. Send Money |
RECEIVE MONEY | Safest delivery with no hidden fees through TransferWise . Receive Money |
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About Bank Of Maharashtra, Vilholi Branch
General Information -
The Bank Of Maharashtra , Vilholi Branch is Located in Maharashtra State, Nasik District, Vilholi City in India.
Address is: Opp Hanuman Temple, Ap Vilholi, Tal & Dist Nashik Pin Code 422 011 .
The IFSC Code of Bank Of Maharashtra , Vilholi Branch is: MAHB0001817
The MICR Code of Bank Of Maharashtra , Vilholi Branch is: 422014333
Contact No is - 8149811681
Bank Operational Time -
Bank Working Hours: Monday - Saturday (Expect sunday, public holidays, second & fourth saturday of every month) , 10 A.M - 4 P.M (Generic Timings*)
(* Do note that these bank timings vary from branch to branch.)
Lunch Timeing - Usally 1.30P.M - 3P.M (May vary from branch to branch).
However bank employees took their lunch in batches so that the business is not affected & you can visit the bank at any time during lunch time.
Transational Timing -
NEFT Timeing - As per RBI guidelines, National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) is available 24x7 with effect from Dec 16, 2019.
National Electronic Fund Transfer is done in batches every half hour. There are twenty-three batches in total operating between the hours.
RTGS Timing - Monday-Satureday - 7:00 AM to 6.00 PM & Inter-bank transactions can be performed from 7 A.M to 7:45 P.M Except 2nd & 4th Saturday, Sundays and Holidays. (latest update on 26 August 2019)
Breakdown of Bank Of Maharashtra, Vilholi Branch IFSC Code
M | A | H | B | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 7 |
Bank Code | Future Use | Branch Code |
The first four digits (MAHB) is bank code & representing the Bank Of Maharashtra.
Next one digit is generally (0) zero - it's reserved for future use.
Last six digits is (001817) - It's an unique identifier no for the particular branch & here it's representing Bank Of Maharashtra , Vilholi Branch.
Breakdown of Bank Of Maharashtra, Vilholi Branch MICR Code
4 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
City Code | Bank Code | Branch Code |
The first three digits (422) represent the city code, here it's representing Vilholi city. They are aligned with the pin code that we use for postal address in India.
Next three digits (014) is bank code & here it's representing Bank Of Maharashtra.
Last three digits is (333) - It's an unique identifier no for the specific branch & here it's representing Bank Of Maharashtra , Vilholi Branch.
The IFSC Code of Bank Of Maharashtra, Vilholi Branch is: MAHB0001817
The MICR Code of Bank Of Maharashtra , Vilholi Branch is: 422014333
The Branch Code of the Bank Of Maharashtra , Vilholi Branch is 001817. Last six digits of IFSC code represent Branch code.
The Bank Of Maharashtra Vilholi branch is located in Maharashtra state, Nasik district , Vilholi city. The Full Address is: Opp Hanuman Temple, Ap Vilholi, Tal & Dist Nashik Pin Code 422 011
The Contact Number of Bank Of Maharashtra , Vilholi Branch is 8149811681
The Official Website of Bank Of Maharashtra is - https://www.bankofmaharashtra.in
General Information About Bank IFSC & MICR Code
What is an IFSC Code?
IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code. It's an eleven digits & characters combination unique identifying number. This unique code helps to identify the perticular individual bank branches for smooth online transation such as NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transations. This code is developed by RBI (Reserve Bank of India).
Structure of the IFSC Code
The first four letters of the IFSC Code is bank code, Next one digits is genarally (0) zero & it's reserved for future use & last six digits is an unique identifier no for the particular Financial institution or bank branch.
Example : Breakdown of IFSC Code
A | B | C | D | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Bank Code | Future Use | Branch Code |
What is IFSC code used for?
IFSC Code used for various electronic or online fund transfer such as NEFT, RTGS, IMPS & other online fund transferring etc.
What is MICR Code?
MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition technology & this code is developed by RBI (Reserve Bank of India). It's also a nine digits unique identifying number. This unique nine digits MICR code helps to identify the perticular individual bank branches and branch participating in an Electronic Clearing System (ECS).
The MICR code is located on the bottom of a each cheque leaf, next to the cheque number. You can also find it printed on the first page of a bank passbook.
Structure of the MICR Code
The first three digits of the MICR Code is city code & they ae aligned with the pin code that we use for postal address in India. Next three digits is bank code & last three digits is branch code & it's an unique identifier number for a particular Financial institution or bank branch.
Example : Breakdown of MICR Code
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
City Code | Bank Code | Branch Code |
What is MICR code used for?
MICR Code used for various financial transations such as SIP form or for transferring funds.
The given information is as per the guidelines of RBI (Reserve Bank of India)
Payment Service | NEFT | RTGS | IMPS |
Process | Process is based on Deferred Net Settlement (DNS) and the transfer of funds will be carried out in half-hourly batches starting from 12:30 am to 12:00 am | Payment process in which the money is credited in the beneficiary’s bank branch in real-time and on gross basis | Real-time and instant interbank fund transfer process, IMPS is considered a secure & faster mode of fund transfer |
Minimum Transfer Limit | Re.1 | Rs.2 lakh | Re.1 |
Maximum Transfer Limit | No limit | No limit | Rs.2 lakh |
Operational Timings | Available 24x7, 365 days (including bank holidays) | 7 am to 6 pm on all working days | Available 24x7, 365 days (including bank holidays) |
Inward Transaction Charges | No charges | No charges | Decided by individual member banks and PPIs |