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BSR Code Details of AXIS BANK , Gawli Palasia Madhya Pradesh Branch
The BSR Code of Axis Bank , Gawli Palasia Madhya Pradesh Branch is 6360646
BRANCH NAME | Gawli Palasia Madhya Pradesh |
BSR CODE | 6360646 (BSR Codes are used mainly when filing Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) and Tax Collected at Source (TCS) returns.) |
CITY NAME | Gawli Palasia |
BANK ADDRESS | Agra Bombay RoadVillage Gawli Palasia Te |
PIN CODE | 453441 |
PHONE NO | N/A (Udated Soon) |
FAX | N/A (Updated Soon) |
N/A (Updated Soon) | |
SWIFT CODE | Find the Gawli Palasia Madhya Pradesh Branch of Axis Bank Swift / BIC Code Here |
WEBSITE | https://www.axisbank.com |
SEND MONEY | Send / transfer money through TransferWise with very low transfer cost. Send Money |
RECEIVE MONEY | Safest delivery with no hidden fees through TransferWise . Receive Money |
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About Axis Bank , Gawli Palasia Madhya Pradesh Branch
General Information -
The Axis Bank , Gawli Palasia Madhya Pradesh Branch is Located in Madhya Pradesh State, Indore District, Gawli Palasia City in India.
Address is: Agra Bombay Roadvillage Gawli Palasia Te , Pin Code - 453441.
The BSR Code of Axis Bank , Gawli Palasia Madhya Pradesh Branch is: 6360646
Bank Operational Time -
Bank Working Hours: Monday - Saturday (Expect sunday, public holidays, second & fourth saturday of every month) , 9 A.M - 4 P.M (Generic Timings*)
(* Do note that these bank timings vary from branch to branch.)
Lunch Timeing - Usally 1.30P.M - 3P.M (May vary from branch to branch).
However bank employees took their lunch in batches so that the business is not affected & you can visit the bank at any time during lunch time.
Transational Timing -
NEFT Timeing - As per RBI guidelines, National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) is available 24x7 with effect from Dec 16, 2019.
National Electronic Fund Transfer is done in batches every half hour. There are twenty-three batches in total operating between the hours.
RTGS Timing - Monday-Satureday - 7:00 AM to 6.00 PM & Inter-bank transactions can be performed from 7 A.M to 7:45 P.M Except 2nd & 4th Saturday, Sundays and Holidays. (latest update on 26 August 2019)
Breakdown of Axis Bank , Gawli Palasia Madhya Pradesh Branch BSR Code
6 | 3 | 6 | 0 | 6 | 4 | 6 |
Bank Code | Branch Code |
The first three digits (636) is bank code & representing the Axis Bank .
Last four digits is (0646) - It's an unique identifier no for the particular branch & here it's representing Axis Bank , Gawli Palasia Madhya Pradesh Branch.
The BSR Code of Axis Bank , Gawli Palasia Madhya Pradesh Branch is: 6360646
The Axis Bank Gawli Palasia Madhya Pradesh branch is located in Madhya Pradesh state, Indore district , Gawli Palasia city. The Full Address is: Agra Bombay Roadvillage Gawli Palasia Te , Pin Code - 453441
The Contact Information of Axis Bank , Branch is -
Phone No - N/A (Updated Soon)
Email - N/A (Updated Soon)
Fax - N/A (Updated Soon)
The Official Website of Axis Bank is - https://www.axisbank.com
General Information About Bank BSR Code
What is BSR Code?
BSR code stands for Basic Statistical Return Code. It's an seven digits unique code povided by RBI (Reserve Bank of India) to all the registred Indian financial institution or bank.
Structure of the BSR Code
BSR code is seven digits unique code. The first 3 digits is bank code & last 4 digits is an unique identifier number for the particular bank or financial institution branch.
Example: Breakdown of BSR Code
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Bank Code | Branch Code |
Where are BSR Codes used?
BSR code is used for mainly Tax TDS (Deduction at Source) and TCS (Tax Collected at Source) returns. BSR code help banks to keep a clear record of online payment done towards tax, which is all made available to the Income Tax Department by the banks. BSR Codes usually appear on the following documents, such as TDS certificates, In OLTAS challan and deduct details, In Challan Identification Number (CIN), which is unique for each challan.
How BSR Codes are classified?
BSR Codes are classified as follows:
BSR1: | Return on Advances from all branches on the last Friday of June and December. It’s divided into two parts – Part I which deals with accounts with limits more than Rs. 10,000 and Part II which deals with accounts limits of Rs.10,000 and less. |
BSR2: | Return Deposits from all branches on the last Friday of June and December. |
BSR3: | Return Advances against the Security of Selected Sensitive Commodities from Head Offices on last Friday of each month. |
BSR4: | Return on Ownership of Bank Deposits (once in two years) from all branches (replacing present annual survey from head offices) on the last Friday of March. |
BSR5: | Return on Bank Investments (annual) from Head Office (on the lines of Survey of Bank Investments) on the last day of March. |
BSR6: | Survey on Debits to Deposits Accounts (Quinquennial) from April to March of the year. |
BSR7: | Survey on Aggregate Deposits and Gross Bank Credit (Quarterly) by head offices of the bank as on last Friday of June, September and December, and as on March 31. |