Or Validate BLZ Sort Code  
The BLZ Code of Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen , Raiffbk Weißenburg-gunzenh Branch is 76069468
BLZ / SORT CODE (BANKLEITZAHL) | 76069468 (Use for electronic fund transfer accross own country.) |
POSTCODE | 91757 |
PAN NUMBER | 67625 (Primary account number of the card-issuing payment service provider.) |
BIC / SWIFT CODE | N/A (Updated Soon) |
SORT CODE CARRYING PSP | NO Bank sort code-carrying payment service provider status: |
CHEQUE DIGIT | 88 (Check-digit calculation method.) |
RECORD NO | 053641 |
CHANGE INDICATOR | D (Modification code. Specifically, datasets marked with an "A" (added), an "M" (modified) or a "U" (unchanged). No use may be made of datasets marked with a "D" (deleted)). |
DELETION | NO Intended deletion of the bank sort code status: |
SUCCEEDING BANK BLZ / SORT CODE | 00000000 (Succeeding bank routing number succesor numbers that are anything other than "00000000" represent the new BLZ sort code associated with the service payment provider.) |
SEND MONEY | Send / transfer money through TransferWise with very low transfer cost. Send Money |
RECEIVE MONEY | Safest delivery with no hidden fees through TransferWise . Receive Money |
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About Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen, Raiffbk Weißenburg-gunzenh Branch
General Information -
The Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen, Raiffbk Weißenburg-gunzenh Branch Address is : Treuchtlingen City, Pin Code - 91757 in Germany.
The BLZ Sort Code / Bankleitzahl of Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen , Raiffbk Weißenburg-gunzenh Branch is : 76069468
The BIC / Swift Code of Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen , Raiffbk Weißenburg-gunzenh Branch is :
N/A (Updated Soon)
Bank Operational Time -
Bank Working Hours: Monday - Saturday (Expect sunday, public holidays, second & fourth saturday of every month) , 9 A.M - 4 P.M (Generic Timings*)
(* Do note that these bank timings vary from branch to branch.)
Lunch Timeing - Usally 1.30P.M - 3P.M (May vary from branch to branch).
However bank employees took their lunch in batches so that the business is not affected & you can visit the bank at any time during lunch time.
Breakdown of Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen, Raiffbk Weißenburg-gunzenh Branch BLZ Sort Code
7 | 6 | 0 | 6 | 9 | 4 | 6 | 8 |
Clearing Area | Bank Location / Bankplatz | Bank Group / Bankengruppe | Branch Code |
The first one digit is (7) clearing area code of the Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen , Raiffbk Weißenburg-gunzenh Branch.
Next two digits is (60) depicts the bank location or Bankplatz of Treuchtlingen City.
Next one digit is (6) identifies the banking group, means which type of financial institution it is.
Last four digits is (9468) - It's an unique identifier number for the particular bank branch & here it's representing Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen , Raiffbk Weißenburg-gunzenh Branch.
The BLZ Sort Code of Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen, Raiffbk Weißenburg-gunzenh Branch is : 76069468
What is the Address of Raiffbk Weißenburg-gunzenh Branch of Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen ?
The Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen branch is located in Treuchtlingen city, Post Code is : 91757
The PAN No of Raiffeisenbank Weißenburg-gunzenhausen , Raiffbk Weißenburg-gunzenh Branch is - 67625
General Information About Germany Bank BLZ / Bankleitzahl / Sort Code
What is Bank BLZ / Bankleitzahl / Sort Code?
BLZ Code, Bankleitzahl or Sort Code is an eight digits unique number to identify indivutial financial institution or bank branch in Germany & this code is used for local online bank transation.
Structure of the BLZ bank sort code
The First one digit depicts the clearing area of the bank, Next two digits depicts the bank location or Bankplatz, Next one digit identifies the banking group or Bankengruppe & last four digits depicts the specific financial institution or bank branch.
Example: Breakdown of BLZ / Bankleitzahl / Sort Code
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Clearing Area | Bank Location / Bankplatz | Bank Group / Bankengruppe | Branch Code |
The following is the clearing area code which represents the first digit of Bankleitzahl.
Area Code | Area |
1 | Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
2 | Bremen, Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein |
3 | Nordrhein-Westfalen, Landesteil Rheinland (Regierungsbezirke Düsseldorf, Köln) |
4 | Nordrhein-Westfalen, Landesteile Westfalen und Lippe |
5 | Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland |
6 | Baden-Württemberg |
7 | Bayern |
8 | Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen |
BLZ Code Group of Institutions (4th digit)
No | Institution |
0 | Deutsche Bundesbank |
1-3 | Payment service providers not included in other categories |
4 | Commerzbank |
5 | Regional giro institutions and savings banks |
4 | Commerzbank and subsidiary institutions (eg comdirect) |
6+9 | Regional institutions of credit cooperatives, credit cooperatives and former credit cooperatives |
7 | Deutsche Bank |
8 | Commerzbank, formerly Dresdner Bank |
The following is the banking group code which represents the fourth digit of Bankleitzahl.
Banking Group Code | Area |
0 | German Federal Bank branches |
1 | Credit institutions, if not included in another group, and German Postbank AG |
2 | Banks, not included in another group recorded (formerly regional, local, specialty, home and banking industry for example, HypoVereinsbank) |
3 | Credit institutions, if not included in another group (formerly private bankers ) - eg as HypoVereinsbank |
4 | Commerzbank and subsidiary institutions (eg comdirect) |
5 | Savings banks and Landesbanken |
6 | Cooperatives and cooperative banks (or credit unions ) |
7 | German bank and subsidiary institutions |
8 | Commerzbank (formerly Dresdner Bank) |
9 | People banks (or credit unions) |