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Bank Codes Finder is a World Directory that provides IFSC, MICR & BSR code, BEFTN code, BSB number, NSC code, NCC code, BLZ code, Canada routing number & Transit Number, US ABA routing number, SWIFT / BIC code, Srilanka bank & branch Code, Singapore eGiro ACH bank code, Nigeria bank sort code, Hong Kong bank clearing code, India STD & Pin code & Worldwide Postal code / Zip code & ISD code & lots of other tools.

Every country in the world has some specific unique codes for various purposes. These country-wise codes are created by government agencies and are unique for different countries, these are the alphanumeric or numeric geographical codes which represent countries and regions. These codes are constructed with some rules by International standards organization which are applicable to that place or come into effect with the specialization of that particular region.

We also provide some useful financial tools such as calculators & converters etc, cryptocurrency & forex market stock live updates, etc.

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