What is Postal Code?

A postal code is a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail. This unique code helps postal services to determine where the mail is being sent to.

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ADRAR    237 Branches
AIN-DEFLA    436 Branches
AIN-TEMOUCHENT    133 Branches
ALGER    733 Branches
ANNABA    102 Branches
BATNA    389 Branches
BECHAR    232 Branches
BEJAIA    819 Branches
BISKRA    183 Branches
BLIDA    273 Branches
BORDJ-BOU-ARRERIDJ    491 Branches
BOUIRA    593 Branches
BOUMERDES    571 Branches
CHLEF    408 Branches
CONSTANTINE    300 Branches
DJELFA    144 Branches
EL-BAYADH    135 Branches
EL-OUED    194 Branches
EL-TAREF    195 Branches
GHARDAIA    116 Branches
GUELMA    222 Branches
ILLIZI    59 Branches
JIJEL    126 Branches
KHENCHELA    185 Branches
L.AGHOUAT    124 Branches
M'SILA    226 Branches
MASCARA    941 Branches
MEDEA    767 Branches
MILA    414 Branches
MOSTAGANEM    388 Branches
NAAMA    67 Branches
ORAN    171 Branches
OUARGLA    158 Branches
OUM-EL-BOUAGHI    275 Branches
RELIZANE    335 Branches
SAIDA    140 Branches
SETIF    783 Branches
SIDI-BEL-ABBES    145 Branches
SKIKDA    218 Branches
SOUK-AHRAS    112 Branches
TAMANRASSET    86 Branches
TEBESSA    99 Branches
TIARET    212 Branches
TINDOUF    12 Branches
TIPAZA    333 Branches
TISSEMSILT    177 Branches
TIZI-OUZOU    1685 Branches
TLEMCEN    807 Branches
Algeria Information

About Algeria

Algeria is part of the continent of Africa. The Capital of Algeria is: Algiers. Capital timezone is: Africa/Algiers. Currency is: Dinar.
Language Codes of Algeria : ar-DZ
Languages speak in Algeria : Arabic (official), French (lingua franca), Berber dialects: Kabylie Berber (Tamazight), Chaouia Berber (Tachawit), Mzab Berber, Tuareg Berber (Tamahaq)
ISO Alpha-2 Code of Algeria is : DZ
ISO Alpha-3 Code of Algeria is : DZA
ISO 3166-1 numeric (or numeric-3) Code of Algeria is : 12
ISD Code of Algeria is : +213
FIPS (Federal Information Processing System) Code is : AG
E.164 (The international telephone numbering plan) : 213
The top label domain of the Algeria is : .dz
Internet host in Algeria is : 676
Internet users in Algeria is : 4700000
Mobile phones in Algeria is : 37692000
Landline phone in Algeria is : 3200000
Area of Algeria is : 2381740 KM2
GEO Name ID Algeria is : 2589581
GDP of Algeria is : $215700000000

Currency Converter

Rate Date : 13/03/25

General Information About Postal Code

What is Postal Code?

A postal code is a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail. This unique code helps postal services to determine where the mail is being sent to.

Almost all the nations of the world use postal codes for sorting mails and though the systems and formats of the postal codes may vary but the common trait is to determine the particular address of the mail & this unique code make the postman's job a little easier.

What is the difference between zip code, pin code, postcode or postal code?

All these codes are essentially the same in their purpose. The difference is postal code is known locally in various terms. such as zip code is mainly used in USA, pin code is used in India, postcode is used in UK & Postal Code is commonly used in other countries.