What is Singapore eGiro ACH Bank Code?

Giro stands for General Interbank Recurring Order & ACH stands for Automated Clearing House. It is a network used for electronic money transfers and electronic payments. It's a convenient, paperless and cashless payment method which enables you to make hassle-free payments to billing organisations (BO) through your bank account.

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DBS BANK LTD logo Format of Dbs Bank Ltd eGiro ACH Bank Branch Code

An eGiro ACH Bank Branch Code is a three digit code used to identify the individual bank branch of an Singapore financial institution.

The Parameter is-

Usually a singapore bank account number consists of 7-10 digit. The ACH branch code is normally incorporated into the account number. The first 3 digits of the account number will be your ACH branch code.

As an example, If the account number is 0123456789, then the ACH branch code will be the first three digit of the account number means 012.

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General Information About Singapore eGiro ACH Bank Code

What is Singapore eGiro ACH Bank Code?

Giro stands for General Interbank Recurring Order & ACH stands for Automated Clearing House. It is a network used for electronic money transfers and electronic payments. It's a convenient, paperless and cashless payment method which enables you to make hassle-free payments to billing organisations (BO) through your bank account.

How Singapore eGiro ACH Branch Code Assigned

List of some Bank/Financial Institution in Singapore participating in Interbank GIRO transactions.

Bank Name ACH Bank Code ACH Branch Code Remarks
The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd (HSBC)7232146The account number consists of 9 digits. The ACH branch code is normally incorporated into the account. The first 3 digits is the ACH branch code and the subsequent 9 digits is the account number.

E.g. If the account is 146225193001, the ACH branch code will be 146 and the account number 225193001.
United Overseas Bank Ltd (UOB)7375030The account number consists of 10 digits. Please use the first 3 digits of the account number and refer to Appendix A of www.uobgroup.com.sg/pages/business/cashmgmt/achcode.html to retrieve the corresponding ACH branch code.

E.g. If the account number is 9102031012, the corresponding ACH branch code will be 030 and the account number 9102031012
DBS Bank Ltd (DBS)7171029Usually the account number consists of 10 digits. Please use the first 3 digits of the account number as the ACH branch code.

E.g. If the account number is 0290188891, the ACH branch code will be 029 and the account number 0290188891.
POSB7171081The account number consists of 9 digits. All POSB accounts must route to their head office using ACH branch code 081.
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd (OCBC)7339501The account number consists of 7 or 9 digits. The ACH branch code is normally incorporated into the account. The first 3 digits is the ACH branch code and the subsequent 7 or 9 digits is the account number.

E.g. If the account is 501101899001, the ACH branch code will be 501 and the account number 101899001.
Standard Chartered Bank (SCB)7144001The account number consists of 10 digits. The ACH branch code is normally derived from the first 2 digits of the account number and adding a zero in front.

E.g. If the account number is 0123456789, the ACH branch code will be 001 and the account number 0123456789.
Citibank NA7214011The account number consists of 10 digits. The ACH branch code varies for corporate and personal accounts.

E.g. If the branch name is ShentonWay-IB, this will be for corporate account. The ACH branch code will be 001.
If the branch name is ShentonWay-CSG, this will be for personal account. The ACH branch code will be 011 and the account number 1012345670.